
Where Is My Money? Walmart Prepaid Card

If y'all accept a Walmart MoneyCard and would like to bank check the balance, we volition walk yous through the process.

This post on How to Check Walmart MoneyCard Residuum will comprehend:

  • Why You Should Check Your Bill of fare Rest Regularly
  • How to Check Walmart MoneyCard Balance
  • How to Speak to a Live Person at Walmart MoneyCard
  • Walmart MoneyCard Frequently Asked Questions

"How to Check Walmart MoneyCard Balance"

Why Y'all Should Cheque Your Menu Balance Regularly

If you accept a Walmart MoneyCard, it is important to keep rail of money coming into your business relationship and how much is going out.

This is important, particularly if you are using the carte to pay bills and also make purchases at the same time.

That is why nosotros recommend checking the balance on your Walmart MoneyCard regularly.

You tin can use this opportunity to likewise review completed transactions and brand annotation of pending transactions that have not yet cleared.

That way, you know how much coin yous have in your account that can be used to make purchases or how much y'all take available to withdraw at an ATM.

In the post below, nosotros volition explain the unlike ways you can check the balance on your card.

If you checked your rest and there is an issue or you have suspicious transactions, we have provided tips below on how to call customer service and speak to a live person.

At the cease of the post, we have too provided answers to the virtually asked questions well-nigh the Walmart MoneyCard for your convenience.

How to Check Walmart MoneyCard Balance

There are 4 options bachelor to yous for checking your Walmart MoneyCard residue:

Choice 1: Use the Mobile App

The Walmart MoneyCard mobile app allows you lot to check your card remainder. Simply download the app from Google Play or the App Store and log in with your User ID and Password to admission your account information balance.

If yous don't recollect your User ID or Countersign, or have not yet ready your online MoneyCard account, come across our Walmart MoneyCard Login article for aid.

Option 2: Sign upwards for Text Message

You can besides check your MoneyCard balance by signing upward for text alerts. This tin be done by logging into your business relationship and opting in for text alerts.

Once you've opted-in, hither'south how to cheque your card balance by text.

  1. Enter a text bulletin to Walmart – Text "BALXXXX" (terminal 4-digits of your bill of fare) to 96411 to retrieve your residual.

    For case, If the final 4 numbers of your Walmart MoneyCard are "4578," enter a text message that reads "BAL 4578."
  2. Send the text bulletin – Send the text bulletin to "96411," which spells "WM411."
  3. Expect for a response – Later on a few moments, check your text messages for a text from Walmart that shows your current Walmart MoneyCard balance.

Walmart does not charge a fee to use this service, simply your mobile phone carrier may charge text messaging fees.

Choice 3: Receive Business relationship Alerts

If you prefer to receive a daily text or e-mail message with your balance, log-in to your MoneyCard business relationship online and enroll in account alerts.

Choice 4: Call Customer Service

Lastly, you lot can also check the balance on your carte past calling customer service at 1-877-937-4098. A representative can help you with any questions yous may have near your balance or transactions.

If afterward checking your Walmart MoneyCard balance, y'all observe any suspicious or transaction you did non brand, here's what to practice:

Telephone call Walmart MoneyCard customer service right away. Hither's how to connect to a live representative call.

How to Speak to a Live Person at Walmart MoneyCard

Here's how to speak to a Live Person at Walmart Customer Service

Step 1 – Phone call the customer service telephone number at 1-877-937-4098

Step 2 – You will hear the car-bellboy go through menu options. Press five, and then enter your Social Security Number and Zip Code.

Walmart MoneyCard Often Asked Questions

Hither are the most frequently asked transaction questions about the MoneyCard.

What Does Awaiting Transaction Hateful?

A transaction in a "Awaiting" status in your MoneyCard account means that purchase may not post to your card for a few days.

To brand sure you have enough money for a purchase, merchants request approval for the purchase corporeality.

This holds the money for them and is considered a "pending" purchase until the merchant actually collects the money from Walmart MoneyCard.

However, once the merchant collects the coin from Walmart MoneyCard, that transaction then changes into a "posted" purchase.

You can review both your pending and posted purchases on the Transaction History page in your Walmart MoneyCard account.

Why is the amount awaiting sometimes different than what I actually spent?

This is common with charges fabricated at hotels, car rentals, and restaurants.

These businesses typically take a policy that requires them to pre-authorize and temporarily hold an amount of coin from your card rest that is greater than your bodily purchase amount.

However, once your purchase is candy by the merchant, your bill of fare balance will reflect the amount of your actual purchase.

The availability of the pre-authorized funds can have up to 10 days (ninety days for motorcar rentals) to be released back into your card balance.

Can I deposit greenbacks to my Walmart MoneyCard account using an ATM?

Unfortunately, you cannot deposit greenbacks to a Walmart MoneyCard using an ATM.

Nevertheless, there are iv convenient means to deposit cash to your card:

The first pick is using the Walmart MoneyCard app.

Some other way of adding greenbacks to your menu is by using the Walmart Rapid Reload process.

3rd, you can also deposit greenbacks into your business relationship using the MoneyPak service.

Finally, an easy way to add cash to your menu is past going to a participating Walmart store and calculation cash or by cashing a bank check and calculation the money to your card.


We hope this postal service on How to Cheque Walmart MoneyCard Remainder was helpful.

If your question was non answered and are even so having trouble checking your card balance, delight let usa know in the comments department below.

Be sure to check out our other articles on Walmart MoneyCard including Walmart MoneyCard Login [Plus How to Actuate New Carte] and how to contact Walmart MoneyCard Customer Service.


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